Are We Right for You?
depends on you
“Warning: Matthew may not be your guy.
If you’re not ready to be pushed to the edge of your comfort zone and beyond; if you don’t like hard questions; if you wish others would just change; if you’re not ready to figure out who you really are; if you’re looking for easy; if you’re looking for someone to tell you what to do; if you don’t like someone pushing your buttons; if you want to be a super great manager of processes… Matthew isn’t your guy.
If you want the ability to inspire those around you and to breathe life into others, then Matthew is your guy.”
Matthew made Charlie’s dream of helping the youth in his community a reality. The two of them worked together for years to serve hundreds of high school students. His video is both funny and accurate – We’re aren’t for everyone… Unless you’re ready to own your behavior and growth.

Leadership Coaching for Results is designed to serve those who are already strong managers or professional individual contributors (think doctors, lawyers, engineers, politicians, etc.) who are charged with serving others. The ideal candidate for our Leadership Mastery Program understands that they have the capacity to be a Leader but are struggling to bridge the gap from being a successful manager to becoming the Leader they need and want to be.
Learn What You're Ready for
To find out which of our program offerings is currently the best fit for you, please take a moment to answer these Leadership Survey questions.
You may think you know what the “right” answer is, even if it isn’t completely true for you — Don’t fool yourself, we’ll know if you’re lying really fast. Also, don’t beat yourself up. This isn’t a test. Your honest answers will help us to ensure your successful leadership journey.

Let’s Get Started!
If you’re ready to start improving your leadership skills and emotional intelligence through effective and proven coaching, you’ve come to the right place! Fill out the form to get in touch. Our team will contact you about the next step in your journey!