Our Services
Your Outcomes

Our Philosophy on Leadership
We’re passionate developers of the next generation of Leaders. As such, we’re constantly researching, studying, and modifying our content to ensure that you are learning timely and timeless lessons that help you to be the Leader you need and want to be.
In 2020, Harvard Business Review summed up our focus quite nicely. They shared that, historically, leadership has been defined as command-and control, or the Peter Drucker-style of leadership, where it was assumed that the person with the biggest title was the “leader,” and everyone else were “followers.” They define this leadership model as “Traditional” – We define it as “effective management.”
In the same article, HBR contrast this model with the more current style of leadership which is characterized as more nimble, adaptive, and more inclusive of the diverse ideas of the team. They classify this leadership model as “Emerging.” While we think that word is poorly chosen, and implies that the individual in question is an “emerging leader,” we subscribe to the notion that the true Leaders of today and tomorrow are emotionally intelligent, and that they motivate, inspire, and empower those around them, regardless of their title. When we talk about this kind of Leader, we capitalize the word.
What Will You Learn in The Leadership Mastery Program?
Each person will learn what it takes to be the type of Leader they need and want to be, based on their personal style and beliefs, as well as that of their organization. This may sound nebulous, but we focus on each person as an individual, hold up their unique strengths, and coach to the outcomes they need and want while developing their emotional intelligence. This style requires a lot of ownership on the part of the individual seeking to learn and grow. We believe this is a critical part of the development process, as Leaders (regardless of title) must own their behavior and hold themselves accountable to achieving success.
Further, The Leadership Mastery Program is an adult learning environment, where much of the learning takes place through the interaction, appreciation, and respect of unique and diverse viewpoints. Each cohort member will be actively engaged and sharing their experiences and perspectives on each topic. Each person will learn and grow slightly differently as a result of the unique make-up of the cohort. This means that no two experiences in The Leadership Mastery Program will be the same, and offers the opportunity for meaningful continued learning and growth through repeat participation. Leadership is a journey, not a destination.
Each month we will focus on discussing one of the following:
- The difference between management and leadership
- The value and power of vision-setting
- The importance of building and developing trust
- The role of recognition and appreciation in developing trust
- The power of demonstrating vulnerability and empathy
- What Star Wars can teach us about leadership and influence
- How to successfully navigate through conflict without fear
- How to respect diverse and opposing viewpoints
- An introduction to and appreciation for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Tools to successfully engage remote and hybrid teams
- That true leadership is not about the Leader
We will also have the opportunity to practice and demonstrate our new skills and perspectives in real-time through a participant-led innovation project called, The Ember. Each person will identify and execute on a project that will either generate or save monies for their organization to the tune of at least 5X ROI. This project develops a Leader’s vision-setting, team-building, collaboration, delegation, holding one’s self and others accountable, and real-time critical thinking.
If you’re coming to us, you know that you don’t yet know everything there is to know about leadership. We aren’t going to claim to teach you everything, but we will teach you the emotional intelligence lessons you need to know in order to be able to motivate, inspire, and empower those around you; to make your organization more profitable; and to help you identify the kind of Leader you need and want to be.
The Leadership Mastery Program is intentionally designed to be a year-long program. This affords us the opportunity to work with you over a long period of time in what is called, “time-phased learning.” Time-phased learning produces the most long-lasting and transformative behavioral change in individuals. It’s like working with a personal fitness trainer regularly over a period of time verses spending a whole day one time – The longer relationship and continual support will lead to actual behavioral change.
In The Leadership Mastery Program, we meet for 90 minutes once a month. Each of our topics could be developed into an entire program of its own. The goal of this program is not a deep dive on each subject, but rather to introduce you to a series of timely and timeless topics, and give you the opportunity to discuss and process them as a group so that each person can modify their behavior over a period of time. It is certain that you will gain new insights and perspectives on topics you already have familiarity with, and you’ll likely learn some things you’ve never been exposed to. That said, you won’t have an earth-shattering new epiphany each month, but you will likely have at least one during our total time together. You aren’t going to oscillate wildly from month to month with a new leadership personality, but in the end, you will become the Leader that you need and want to be.
Over the period of 12 months, you will develop the ability to:
- Consistently demonstrate emotional intelligence
- Motive, inspire, and empower those you serve as a Leader
- Honestly build and show respect, empathy, service, and trust with those around you
- Develop and sell a vision for yourself, your team, and your organization
- Create trusting relationships with those around you
- Get over yourself and be honest, humble, and real with those around you
- Influence those around you to follow your direction and vision for success
- Appreciate that there is more than one way to look at controversial issues, and help those you serve to navigate conflict
- Have an appreciation for the importance of DEI initiatives, and be able to help others to understand that the topic is not as difficult or painful as it is sometimes portrayed to be
- Keep those you serve remotely feeling like they’re a valued part of the team
- Demonstrate and deliver on your innovative ideas in a way that makes your organization more profitable
The Leadership Mastery Program is an investment of $500 per person, per month, or $6,000 for the year.
This program includes The Ember Project, an innovation opportunity to demonstrate Leadership in real-time. This element of the program has led to positive financial impacts of over $30M for our client organizations, with the average outcome being over $100,000 per participant.
Click Here to send us a message saying you’re ready to join us! We’ll call you to discuss start dates and get everything set up!
What is the Benefit of Executive Coaching?
You have a lot going on in your life: Family, friends, work, employees, peers, neighbors, community acquaintances, societal variables, and – Oh yeah – Yourself. You’re juggling a lot of simultaneous, and sometimes conflicting, responsibilities.
One of the benefits of The Leadership Mastery Program is that you get to learn from a group of individuals, where you are all in a similar part of your leadership journey. The downside is that our Coaches are focused on helping facilitate a group learning experience and you may need additional support specific to your leadership journey, organization, or personal life. That’s where Executive Coaching comes in.
You’re a whole person with real challenges and needs in all areas of your life, not just professionally. The interesting part is, if you focus on shoring up the challenges in your personal life, your professional life magically starts to improve, also. And vice versa. In Executive Coaching, we work with the whole you, focusing on your social emotional challenges and goals.
We’ll work together, one-on-one, for one hour, twice a month, for a year. We talk about exactly what’s going on with you, professionally and personally, to help you navigate through your challenges so that you can consistently demonstrate leadership with yourself and those around you.
This service is best when coupled with The Leadership Mastery Program, but can also be effectively utilized separately, particularly for those later in their leadership journey. It is also important to note that this service has a greater demand than supply – We only serve approximately 1 person per cohort in this fashion, or about 32 people per year.
What do you want the outcomes to be? Those are the outcomes you’ll get.
We can’t magically make all of your problems disappear – If we could, this service would be WAY more expensive… You’re still going to have to do the heavy lifting to craft the outcomes you want, but we’ll be right there with you, coaching and counseling you along the way.
We’ve spent years coaching, mentoring, learning, and refining our processes. The reality is, as unique as you feel your situation is, it probably isn’t all that unique. Humans all have very similar meta-level experiences, and many of our challenges and frustrations are similar when we step back and look through the lens of Western society. This gives us the edge in being able to confidently support you as you navigate the challenges that feel unique to your situation.
There are few parameters and structured lessons in our Executive Coaching service. This is because our time together will be focused 100% on your specific needs and goals.
Will you throw us a curveball? Possibly. Will we be able to help you achieve the outcomes your desire? Yes.
Executive Coaching is a retainer-style month-by-month service with an investment cost of $1,000 per person.
The average client should plan to be in a coaching relationship for a minimum of six months in order for time-phased behavior change to take effect. The typical client engages for a year at a time.
Click Here to send us a message saying you want to invest in yourself in this way! We’ll call you to discuss the current status in your leadership journey, availability of this service, and when we can begin to work together!
Let's talk about your needs and goals, and that will inform the details we need to ensure that your event is perfect.
Click Here to send us a message saying you’d like to have us present and motivate your team! We’ll call you to discuss the details and line it up!